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mktorrent with pthreads

The ultra documentation points to the Ubuntu version of mktorrent which is single threaded. This feedback request will explain how to make torrent creation multi-threaded using pthreads. It will make torrent creation 4 to 8 times faster on ultra infrastructure. The practical use case is a service enhancement for the ruTorrent web portal. Reference: https://docs.ultra.cc/books/pre-installed-tools/page/list-of-pre-installed-tools#bkmrk-mktorrent It’s required to the build-essential package to perform this task. Step 1: Download the source files. curl -sL https://github.com/pobrn/mktorrent/archive/v1.1.zip -o mktorrent.zip Step 2: Unzip the source files and change directory. unzip -d mktorrent -j mktorrent.zip && cd mtorrent Step 3: Update the build configuration with these recommended values. echo "CC = gcc" >> Makefile echo "CFLAGS = -w -flto -O3" >> Makefile echo "USE_PTHREADS = 1" >> Makefile echo "USE_OPENSSL = 1" >> Makefile Step 4: Build the software and install it to the same prefix. make -j$(nproc) make install PREFIX=/usr

vertex5610 6 days ago

📥 Feedback

App - Kimai

https://github.com/kimai/kimai Kimai is a professional grade time-tracking application, free and open-source. It handles use-cases of freelancers as well as companies with dozens or hundreds of users. Kimai was build to track your project times and ships with many advanced features, including but not limited to: JSON API, invoicing, data exports, multi-timer and punch-in punch-out mode, tagging, multi-user - multi-timezones - multi-language (over 30 translations existing!), authentication via SAML/LDAP/Database, two-factor authentication (2FA) with TOTP, customizable role and team permissions, responsive design, user/customer/project specific rates, advanced search & filtering, money and time budgets, advanced reporting, support for plugins and so much more.

An Anonymous User 15 days ago

💡 Feature Request

Mark ruTorrent v4.3 as Stable

Step 1: Upgrade to the latest super stable hotfix. Changes since v4.3.6 include critical fixes for automatic updating of RSS feeds and deleting torrents without confirmation. https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent/releases/tag/v4.3.8 Step 2 (Optional): Sponsor ruTorrent developer with Tomcat slot due to limited time. The purpose is to provide to critical feedback about how to address API breakage concerns from version 3. These include third party plugins like autodl-irssi and file manager. Step 3: Review configuration and make necessary changes to bring version 3 plugins into the version 4 support scope. This will ensure no functionality is lost from version 3. Step 4: Update any required documentation and move ruTorrent v4.3 to stable.

An Anonymous User About 2 months ago

💡 Feature Request