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Hi ultra team! It would be great if you could create a docs in the Unofficial Application Installers section for cross-seed configuration. I know it can be installed with the following script commands: 1-Install the latest version of Node: bash 2- Install the latest or v3.10 of Python: bash 3- Install cross-seed with this custom installer from the cross-seed developer: bash And I read the cross-seed documentation about its configuration, but if for the sections: 1- Running in daemon mode and closing the port 2- Hard link I think it would be great if there were explanations or documentation in Ultra itself. I also searched Ultra's Discord a lot. Noob users like me :) Most of them have problems with these things. I found good information about prowlarr and torznab url in Ultra's Discord. But if you put these things in a docs section, it would be very easy to search and find the content because in the cross-seed documentation, unfortunately, there is no Quick Start and we are faced with a lot of content.

An Anonymous User 2 days ago


πŸ’‘ Feature Request

Update Transmission to 4.0.6

Dear Ultra.cc team, it would be greatly appreciated to have Transmission updated to version 4.0.6. It is a bugfix-only release, therefore it looks super safe and straightforward to deploy, and as I could see in the changelog, one quite annoying bug seems to have been fixed now, regarding uTP protocol not following speed limits properly - please refer to β€œUTP peer connections follow user-defined speed limits better now. (#6551)”. That may open some room to allow having Transmission 4.1.0 as beta, which is IMHO the cherry in the cake here: less CPU and memory footprint, better DHT ad uTP performance, among other overall improvements, maybe surpassing other popular torrent clients. Thank you!

tuliolazarini About 1 month ago


πŸ’‘ Feature Request